Tournament bracket visualization in the browser

Adjust fonts, colors and sizes

manage options

^ The example above is built using this set of options:

        connectionLinesWidth: 4,
        connectionLinesColor: "#a6d41a",
        navButtonArrowSize: 25,
        scrollButtonArrowSize: 24,
        distanceBetweenScorePairs: 8,
        highlightedConnectionLinesColor: "orangered",
        highlightedPlayerTitleColor: "#2cfe4d",
        mainVerticalPadding: 40,
        matchAxisMargin: 8,
        matchTextColor: "#14fdff",
        matchFontSize: 18,
        matchMinVerticalGap: 30,
        matchHorMargin: 10,
        matchStatusBgColor: "pink"
        navButtonSvgColor: "#a8ff75",
        playerTitleFontFamily: "courier",
        rootBgColor: "#316581",
        rootBorderColor: "#c54343",
        roundTitlesVerticalPadding: 0,
        roundTitleColor: "orangered",
        roundTitlesFontFamily: "monospace",
        roundTitlesFontSize: 26,
        scoreFontFamily: "serif",
        scrollbarWidth: 12,
        scrollbarColor: "#ffc107",

Color options


Fonts options (full list)

Borders options (full list)