Visualize a knockout tournament in the browser
All about options
manage options
How to set options on installation

Options can be passed to createBracket as a 3rd argument

import { createBracket } from 'bracketry'

const wrapper = document.querySelector('#your-wrapper-element')
const data = { ... } // data of specific shape

const options = {
    matchMaxWidth: 200

createBracket(data, wrapper, options)
How to set options later

Options can be changed later via applyNewOptions lifecycle method


const { applyNewOptions } = createBracket(data, wrapper, options)

    matchMaxWidth: 100

Options passed to applyNewOptions will not replace the original ones (passed to createBracket) but will be merged. Some options are not updatable (ignored when passed to applyNewOptions):
    - "verticalScrollMode"
    - function options (such as "getMatchElement") The most likely case for applyNewOptions is handling different screen sizes. (You may respond to resize by setting more "compact" bracketry layout)

Use getUserOptions method to get current options.

useClassicalLayout (boolean)

When set to true, it instructs bracketry to preserve the original vertical margins between matches when navigating between rounds. By default bracketry tries to be smart and display matches in a most condensed way. For that it reduces the rounds' height by 2 on each next navigation step (i.e. on each click on the right button). The "base round" (the leftmost visible one) always attains the smallest possible height. Margins between matches of a base round are defined by matchMinVerticalGap. Therefore each time the "base round" changes (i.e. user navigates left or right) all vertical margins are redefined. { useClassicalLayout: true } cancels this smart behaviour and leaves the margins as they are. useClassicalLayout might be useful if you want to render bracket with 'auto' (full) height. In such case you should set NO height on your wrapper element and set useClassicalLayout to true. Read more here.